

Ho Koaloa ha Meno Ho Khetholla Leseli G2EE Portable Dental Standard Caries Detector Phekolo ea meno ea meno ea LED

Tlhaloso e khuts'oane:

1. Ts'ebetso e atlehang bakeng sa ho sibolla meno e bolileng, kapele, habonolo, e sa utloiseng bohloko
2. Ts'ebetso e se nang mohala, Lightness e sebelisa, e bonolo ho e sebelisa;
3. Tšehetsa ho buuoa hanyane ka hanyane, ka mokhoa o sireletsehileng, ho bebofatsa tšabo ea mokuli
4. Mini mainframe designing e nyane, e fana ka ts'ebetso e ntle ea kalafo
5. E bonolo ebile e bobebe, mefuta e 2 ea likhoele tsa optic;
6. Battery e nang le bokhoni bo phahameng e ka fumaneha.

7. The molamu khanya ka sterilized tlas'a mocheso ho fihlela ho 135 ℃ (274 ° F)

Product Qaqileng

Lihlahisoa tsa Product

Lintlha tse potlakileng
Sebaka sa Tšimoloho:
China, China
Nomoro ea Mohlala:
meno caries semilolog
Mohloli oa Matla:
Selemo se 1
Ka mor'a-pabatsong Service:
Ts'ehetso ea mahlale a inthaneteng
Lintho tse bonahalang:
tšepe, polasetiki, Tšepe, celik, polasetiki, celik
Raka, athe Bophelo:
Lilemo tse 1
Setifikeiti sa Boleng:
Sehlopha sa lisebelisoa:
Sehlopha sa II, Sehlopha sa II
Tekanyetso ea polokeho:
EN 149 -2001 + A1-2009
Lebitso sehlahisoa:
meno caries semilolog
Adapter voltage:
AV100-240V, 50-60Hz
Lisebelisoa tsa ho hlahloba:
> 500nm
Matla a LED:
Lebelo la LED:
0,7 lik'hilograma

Ho Koalloa ha meno ho Hlahloba Leseli le nkehang habonolo la meno a meno Caries Detector ea meno ea meno ea meno


Tlhaloso ea Sehlahisoa:

Caries detector Functions: Tsela e bonolo, e sebetsang, e ncha ea ho sibolla caries, ea tlholisano le lihlahisoa tsa lihlahisoa tse tummeng. 

Libaktheria tsa meno a tšoaelitsoeng ke caries li tlohela lihlahisoa tsa metabolic (Porphyrins). Ha lesoba le pepesitsoeng le bonesetsoa ka khanya ea bopherese, li-porphyrin tsena li bonts'a khanya e khubelu, ka hona e bonts'a libaka tsa bohlokoa tsa ho epolloa ha caries. Sesebelisoa sena sa caries se thusa ho sibolla le ho lekola ntho e bohloko ea leino, haholo-holo ho dentin, nakong ea ho epolloa ha likheo tse neng li butsoe pejana. Ho hlokomela litšobotsi tse khethehileng tsa khanya ea sehlahisoa se senyehang se hlahisoang ke baktheria ea cariogenic, lintho tse nang le meno bakeng sa ho tlosa tšoaetso, ho tlosa thepa e tšoaelitsoeng meno.


Likopo tsa semmuso sa Caries:

1. Lisebelisoa tsa bongaka tsa botsebi;

2. Ho itlhahloba ha lelapa;

3. Thuto ea bohloeki ka molomo sekolong.


Caries semilolog Features:

1. Ts'ebetso e atlehang bakeng sa ho sibolla meno e bolileng, kapele, habonolo, e sa utloiseng bohloko
2. Ts'ebetso e se nang mohala, Lightness e sebelisa, e bonolo ho e sebelisa;
3. Tšehetsa ho buuoa hanyane ka hanyane, ka mokhoa o sireletsehileng, ho bebofatsa tšabo ea mokuli
4. Mini mainframe designing e nyane, e fana ka ts'ebetso e ntle ea kalafo
5. E bonolo ebile e bobebe, mefuta e 2 ea likhoele tsa optic;
6. Battery e nang le bokhoni bo phahameng e ka fumaneha.

7. The molamu khanya ka sterilized tlas'a mocheso ho fihlela ho 135 ℃ (274 ° F)


Ga tlhaloso:

Lebitso Sesepa sa meno se sa sebetseng
Matla a sebetsang a adaptara Lenaihana 100-240V, 50-60Hz
Lintlha tsa Lightwave Matla a LED: 40-280mwLebelo la LED: 380-420nm
Lisebelisoa tsa ho hlahloba > 500nm
Buka ea 19x14x6cm / pc
Boima ba 'mele 0.5kg / PC
Paka lintho tse bonahalang Lebokose

Sephutheloana le Tlhahiso

Ho rekisa lihlopha: Ntho e le 'ngoe

Boholo ba sephutheloana se le seng: 19x14x6cm

Boima bo le bong bo lekanang: 1.000 kg


Litšebeletso tsa rona:

1. Li-imeile tse 12 li araba.
2. Ts'ebeletso ea mohala o chesang oa lihora tse 24.
3. Tšebeletso ho tloha qalong ho isa qetellong.
4. Boleng bo netefalitsoe.


Dental G2EE Caries Detector Light with Goggles Dental Equipment Caries Detected Light

Dental Caries Detecting Light Portable Dental Standard Caries Detector LED Dental Teeth Treatment

Dental Caries Detecting Light Portable Dental Standard Caries Detector LED Dental Teeth Treatment

Dental Caries Detecting Light Portable Dental Standard Caries Detector LED Dental Teeth Treatment

Dental Caries Detecting Light Portable Dental Standard Caries Detector LED Dental Teeth Treatment

Dental Caries Detecting Light Portable Dental Standard Caries Detector LED Dental Teeth Treatment

Dental Caries Detecting Light Portable Dental Standard Caries Detector LED Dental Teeth Treatment

Dental Caries Detecting Light Portable Dental Standard Caries Detector LED Dental Teeth Treatment

Dental Caries Detecting Light Portable Dental Standard Caries Detector LED Dental Teeth Treatment

Dental Caries Detecting Light Portable Dental Standard Caries Detector LED Dental Teeth Treatment

Litšebeletso tsa rona:

1. Li-imeile tse 12 li araba.
2. Ts'ebeletso ea mohala o chesang oa lihora tse 24.
3. Tšebeletso ho tloha qalong ho isa qetellong.
4. Boleng bo netefalitsoe.

Tlhahisoleseling ea Khamphani:

Dental Caries Detecting Light Portable Dental Standard Caries Detector LED Dental Teeth Treatment


  • E fetileng:
  • E 'ngoe:

  • Ngola molaetsa oa hau mona ebe u o romella ho rona